Thursday, November 21, 2013

We're the Avengers. Obviously.

 Iron Woman, Baby Hulk, and Redneck Thor

Getting painted up by Oma

"Thanks, but no thanks, Oma. I've got this. No help needed.  Just give me that tube of green stuff."

Lochlan and Woody loaded up and ready to go

The world's sweetest strawberry and her Mama

"Ok, so you're tellin' me that I just go up to the door and I get candy?"  

"Dude! Loch, hurry! There is a whole bowl of candy!  The adults weren't kidding!"

"Just one piece?"

Water break.  Trick or Treating is no joke. 

"Loch, I totally recommend the lollipops"

What's almost as fun as trick or treating? Whipping around the glow stick necklaces in a frenzy that only a sugar high can produce

Friday, November 15, 2013

Wood and Meg's Vaca

Woody and I went on the most loveliest of vacations a few weeks ago.  We went to Key West, met up with some old buddies, went boating, swam in the hotel pool, hit the bar scene, ordered room service and watched TV. . . all while my Sugar Daddy (Elwood's actual Daddy) worked.   
Woody and I hit the pool every morning.  During the week we were there, he became a much more proficient swimmer.  He still sinks like a rock and looks like he is drowning, but he comes up smiling and laughing, asking for more so I'm guessing he likes it
(I don't have any swimming photos because the line between swimming and drowning is vague and it requires all my attention to walk it efficiently.)

The best part about the hotel shuttle?
 No carseat

Bellying Up to the Bar

Play Date with Ty
There were hugs, kisses, and stinker faces

mid week we had to move hotels. . .
to the Casa Marina!

I don't think this what you are suppose to do with the "chilled lavender towels"
"This way to the pool, Ma! I see pool toys!"

Hammock Time

Rock Candy Stir Stick from Mom's Mojito

"Oh, hey, Dad."
Boating Buds

Fresh Water Rinse Off on the Boat

Two buds, feet up, watching some TV.
Relaxing after a long day

Snacks in Bed

"Let's see.  I'll have a milk. Wait. . . No, I'm on vacation. Make it a Chocolate Milk."

Making noises into the fan is always awesome

Favorite Photo
checking out the hotel view

Mallory Square

Bag of Popcorn for the Wood and a Martini for Mom.  What? We are on Vaca. 

rainy end to an awesome night

up close and personal with the TV

the squat TV watching pose gets a little tiring
convincing this guy to ride in a carseat again is going to be tough

Woody and Meg at the Butterfly Conservatory
I wasn't sure how Elwood was going to behave in the Conservatory.  It is a quiet, peaceful place and I was on my game to scoop up a loud, maniac Wood and hit the exit to minimize the chi disruption but that turned out to be a completely unfounded worry.  Elwood seemed almost in a trance, his expression stayed in a silent awe almost the whole time.  I did hear a few "tweet, tweets" when the little birds were walking near him but besides that he just quietly, mindfully, observed.     

He would squat real still and just point 

"Mom, selfies are so boring"
Casually enjoying his green smoothie

ending the Key West vaca with one more drink on the beach