Wednesday, February 27, 2019

These Days

Garden Helper

when you go to town with just your Dad and loose your hat. . . you buy a new hat and a new dress!

Look at this unbelievably comfortable looking hummingbird nest.  The nest is strong and stable on the outside and carefully lined with soft feathers on the inside.  The whole nest is about the size of a silver dollar and the egg is about the size of a peanut M&M.  Such a delicate and tiny glimpse into Nature.  

sharing school work

new outside swing!

swim lessons

tea parties

on the search for treasures 

Standard Home School Morning

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Another Little Girl to Love

Happy, Happy, Happy Day! 
On February 4 my amazing sister gave birth to a healthy, beautiful baby girl.  Louise Christine came into this world healthy and bright and we are all full of love and gratitude for her safe arrival.  The fourth sister in the Prevatt family, she is being showered with love and attention.   

We are very happy with our life decisions but with this new life being here and being sent pictures like this: all these beautiful girl cousins together in Jacksonville, it does pull my heart home a bit harder than most days.  However, we sent Lou a sloth from Panama and he is suppose to be passing out hugs from us until we can give them in person and that is making everything easier haha

He's already doing a great job! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

we decided the kid fort needed a roof

Helper splitting palm fronds for the roof

These two cuties stayed busy in the kitchen, serving up sand tacos and mud meat balls. 

the line between fun and panic is so thin

two little monkeys 

I spy a Mom!
Always the photographer, I asked Con to take a picture of me. . . 

when you already have a fire going and your friends stop by with fish that they've caught, you cook!

a fort feast of smoked fish and grilled hibiscus flowers

Boss Baby isn't happy that she's the only one that needs assistance to climb up the tree

Tohi is not in pain.
That is her "I'm trying really hard to move this rock face." 

Laughing and Crying are very close emotions