Friday, November 30, 2012

We are first time parents

Elwood has been trying to tell us something the past few days.  It took us awhile, and only after some googling, did we figure what he was trying to communicate.  Here's the scenario.

We have been having weeks of semi-good solid food eating.  I have been sassing it up with all sorts of puree's.  Steak, potatoes, green beans. Carrots, spinach, chicken. Yogurt, avocado, bananas.  Fruit smoothies. And all sorts of other delicious combinations.  And The Wood has been pretty much loving all of it.  Until a few days ago when I had the audacity to feed him oatmeal and bananas.  Whaaa? He use to love that combo and now he is behaving as if I am trying to feed him liquid hot magma mixed with thorns.  My first reaction was, Oh my God, the high chair is pinching him somewhere, there was a wasp hiding in the bib and it has stung him, keep searching! there has to be something physically causing him pain.  While I was looking for the source of the intolerable cruelty, Conor ran out of the bedroom, with an accusatory look on his face asking what the F I was doing to his son.  When we both agreed that Elwood was not, after all, being tortured by his high chair or being attacked by some venom dripping stinger, we just called that meal a fluke and went on about our day.  Happy, smiley Woody showed up after he was released from the throws of his torture chair.  Except, it wasn't a fluke, it was the norm for the five more meals.  Five! That's how long it took us to figure out that Mr. Independent was telling us two big things:

1)  What this guy was desperately trying to get across to his first time parents is that he is so over us feeding him. Can't we see he is a big boy and is clearly ready to feed himself?  Oh, sorry, buddy how did we miss that? Perhaps it is because we still do 99% of the things in your life for you and you don't know how to use a spoon and as of right now you only have two teeth front and center (that we thought were adorable but not exactly that functional) so we didn't think you were quite ready to chew up your steak and potatoes.

2. both of us were staying way too clean during this whole feeding shabacle.

So now, Elwood holds the spoon. which occasionally goes in his mouth with food on it, more often it just gets twirled in the air, dropped, or put the wrong way to an almost gagging point down his throat.  Anything that can be cut up into tiny pieces is diced and put on his tray and the delicious organic pureed meals I have so thoughtful made and frozen are just put on his plate to be scooped into his mouth by his hand, my hand, and once in a while on a spoon.  He happily gums it all down, sipping his water, holding his spoon, looking at us like, "What, this is how you guys do it why can't I?" Everyone is much happier at meal times, especially The Wood.  He is demonstrating his independence and spoon skills and is loving the freedom to smush all his foods around in whatever order he damn well pleases. I am happy that he is eating more and screaming less and the dogs are happy about the increase clean up duties around the high chair (now that he is eating steak and all)

Notice the "O" on the chin

"What the hell is this thing?!"

Elwood 7 1/2 months

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

He Speaks

I thought I had heard something sneaking in between the "aaaahh's," "uuuu's" and "mmmmm's" but it was so very quiet and at times when there was a lot of back ground noise.  I would get real close to him, "Was that . . . ?, no guess not."  I would tell myself that it was just me getting excited to hear some words.  But, it turns out I think I was hearing some quiet practice words because on November 16 (Yes, I would like a date here to remember the exact day when this monumental first talking of the first born child happened.  And yes, I know that was several weeks ago.  I back blog.  like all the time.) Elwood said in the sweetest, clearest little voice, "Da. Da." . . . to my boob.  He looked up at me and smiled so huge, like he JUST KNEW he had just done something very awesome.  I said, "yes, my love. You are so smart! Great Job! Yes, DaDa does like boobs. "  

And since that moment his language has exploded, like he must have been practicing in his crib at night exploded.  Two days later I can barely get a spoon full of sweet potatoes pass those flapping lips.  It is loud and proud and goes a little something like this.  "Dadadada. Da! Da! Dada! Yayayayaya! Mmmmmm! Ma! MUM-a! (Yes!!!! ) muma-muma. Yayayyyy! Dadadadad! Da!Dada! Dadeeee. Dadada! Da."  Dada is the clear favorite.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Our little Davy Crockett?

Halloween sort of snuck up on us.  We weren't sure where we would be and seeing as Elwood is zero years old, I thought an "already in my closet" type of costume would be fine for him.  So, may I 
introduce Davy Crockett? a country bumpkin? Elwood Boone? (Good one, Oma) 

And his lovely ladybug friend, 
on other days known as Maggie

"Oh, you want this pumpkin picked up, Maggie? Sure, no problem."

Davy found the candy bag

"Man, how do you open these?"

"Seriously, Mags, there is like a ton of candy, do you want some?"

Happy All Hallow's Eve