Thursday, August 21, 2014

"I'm on Vacation!!"

"I'm On Vacation!!"

After a fantastic bachelorette party comes an even more fantastic wedding in Islamorada.

Lots of candy for the car ride.
I know its positive reinforcement for bad behavior but its just too unbearable otherwise.   

Grammie Paddleboarding!

T and I both have perfect SUP form

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

No Boys Allowed

I went on a girls trip over Memorial Day Weekend.  In California. For four days.  And by girls trip, I mean Elwood did not come with me.  We have spent less than 24 hours apart since he has been born.  We are buds.  Sometimes we eat lunch holding hands.  Sometimes he stops what he is playing with just to run over and give me a hug and a kiss.  Most nights he calls for me, not Dad.  I knew I was going to be fine (to be completely honest I was super excited), I was worried about leaving my buddy for so long.  I was stressed that he would be sad/mad at not understanding where his mom is (because, you know, I'm always there.)  Which in turn made me stress that he would be a bit hard to handle/cry-ey/whine-y/hopefully-not-hysterical for his caregiver. If his caregiver was only going to be Conor I wouldn't have been that concerned but Con couldn't get all the days off work so Woody was spending quite a bit of time with my in-laws.  And they are wonderful and loving and Woody is crazy about them. . . but I am always with him when we are together.  Well, it turns out, I had nothing to worry about.  Woody and I both had a blast on our vacations. Of course I missed Elwood and Conor but it is healthy and good to get away and have some girl time.  It is good for the heart to giggle and chat and drink wine with old friends but its also good to miss home; and to be missed.  Everyone is more appreciative of what we all bring to our little family.  Woody did ask where I was a few times and Conor simply answered, "Mom's on vacation," and that seemed to satisfy his curiosity.  My mother in law sent me plenty of pics of Woody looking adorable doing various fun activities which kept me happy and not missing him too much.  The tours of wine country and the fabulous company also helped.

Jan's Bachelorette In Wine Country, California