Elwood has earned himself a new nick name:
Baby Hulk
It started when he would get over being in his carseat (which is like everytime we are in the car) and his little face would get so mad and red. He would grab his straps, arch his back, hold his breath and try his damndest to break out of his carseat. It is terrible to see him get so upset but the drastic change in behavior and sheer determination in his face as his chubby little arms pulled as hard as they could against his carseat made the nick name "Baby Hulk" an obvious fit. It also lightens up a stressful situation for us. When Elwood is about to melt down Conor or I will say, "Oh, man, hurry up. Wood is about to turn into Baby Hulk." Or we use it as a verb. "How far away are we? Woody is about to Baby Hulk on us."
"Ok, so get me out. I'm ready." |
"Totally serious, lady. Get me out of this seat." |
"What? you think I won't Baby Hulk out of this thing just because you are recording it? |
"Because I so f-ing will!" |
When these little guys randomly came our way, it was no surprise that Woody loves them!