Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Some new Frances tricks and an Iguana

I got my yoga mat out, turned around to take a sip of water, and this is what I see.  My yoga mat is like a magnet for children.  

The stair blockades in our house are just getting ridiculous. 

Just a Happy Little Nugget

"Ooo! this blockade is neeeew! Fun!"

Really? It's a small bathroom.  

"You will kiss me."

Friday, May 4, 2018

Birthday Weekend for our big 3 year old

Three Years Old! 

birthday festivities started with an early morning cayuco ride 

Conor weed wacking was extremely interesting to watch for these two

The birthday girl was much more interested in her paints

Hi there sweet swimmers!

the birthday girl helped make her cake. . . with lots of "testing" to make sure it was turning out just as she ordered

Birthday Morning!
a new purple and pink hammock filled with lite up balloons!

Frankie was, of course, the first to see the birthday display

Frankie's squeals of excitement soon woke up the rest of the crew

french toast with whipped cream

Frances was very skeptical, almost irritated, about the strange white stuff we put
on her french toast. . . 

She figured it out

finally Frances took a nap and the big kids could play with the birthday play dough

Some friends stopped by to give Tohi's some birthday gifts and hugs

"Hmmm, what to wish for, what to wish for"

It was a rainy afternoon. Which was perfect for a movie theater birthday plan!

So many movies to choose from

The movie theater in Bocas works like this:  There are two rooms filled with giant bean bags.  You call and reserve a room for whatever time you want and you pick your movie from a big book.  It's air conditioned and has sodas, popcorn, and beers available.  We had an awesome time. 

headed home after a fabulous day celebrating our beautiful, funny, and loving little three year old.