Penny has fully accepted Bubby as part of the family and I think she even loves him a little. He definitely loves her. It is adorable to watch.
He watches her and mimics her doggy behavior. They were chasing each other on the beach the other day; well Penny running and Bubby chasing her but both of them were enjoying it, and I commented on what great buddies they have become and Conor replied, “Well, it is a bit one sided.” I laughed and took another look at the two pups running around having a blast on the beach and in the water and I immediately related to Bubby. I also grew up with a much cooler, older sibling that I idolized and emulated when we were kids. For all you eldest children out there, let me explain: No matter in all reality how uncool your older sibling may be, according to the younger sibling he or she is the bee’s knees, the cat’s meow, cooler than being cool, ice cold if you will. (And usually this completely bias opinion continues into adulthood, am I right Jer?) Conor, being the older brother to Jerren, was not aware of this phenomenon so I informed him about this instinctual behavior of younger siblings and how it apparently transcends even into doggy sibling world.
Growing up I, of course, had my own little quirks and personality traits, as Bubby has his, but the underlying need to do what my older sibling was doing and have her think I was cool influenced my actions greatly. I didn’t care if I hated whatever my sister was doing, I wanted to do exactly the same, altering my actions to match hers. Bubby, the loving, adorable yet pesky younger sibling was doing the same to his older dog sister. The more I thought about it, the cuter I thought Bubby’s behavior and his unwavering love for Penny was. When we first adopted Bubby he use to look at Penny startled and confused when she would get up from a very comfy spot on the couch to go outside and bark at a boat that was passing too close to us. Guess who barks at passing boats now? When we first met Bubby we didn’t think he liked the water. On the beach he use to run away from the lapping waves, now he sprints into the water after Penny and fetches coconuts out to where he sometimes needs to swim over his head. Through out this trip, Penny has occasionally stood on the bow and proudly raised her head into the breeze as if she is was posing for a picture, very lioness-esque of her, hair blowing in the wind as she longingly stares out into the sea. We love it when she does this and I think we have even posted a picture of her doing this. Bubby has started just standing next to her, looking at the way she holds her paws and he looks at her and then in the direction she is looking, as if to say, “Ok, this is cool, this is what we are doing, just standing here in the breeze, sweet I love this too.” At any rate, Bubby is a hoot and him and Penny have a love/annoyance/love relationship that seems to be working for them. All the crew is happy, doing well and adjusting to the ever changing life on board.
Bubby about to make a Log Book entry |
Fresh Water Rinse Off |
No, its cool I don't need any blanket, I'm comfy right here next to you and the blanket |
Where are we going? I'm totally in but just wondering. |
ha! I think you may have called me (and possibly Conor as well) uncool! When Annie was a baby, she would streeetttttcccchhhh her neck around to see me, but Maren strrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrretches all around to find Annie when she hears her. Miss you!
ReplyDeleteJune is the same way with Uma. She worships the group Uma walks on. Uma pretends to simply tolerate her little sister, but really she's obessed with June too.
ReplyDeleteYou should hear the crying from both of them if we ever have to separate them. It's very dramatic and hilarious.
BTW....just noticed that my comments and Katie Prevatt's comments both just say "Katie said." Is this confusing? Should I sign my emails with a formal signature??
Katherine Clark Garro