Monday, March 26, 2012

Who Is This Young Man?

Who is this young man that's come into my life?
Without one single word he has stolen my wife.
They sit and they stare into each other's eyes;
communication in silence, I can only surmise.
My God he's so handsome, and charming, and funny,....and FREE!
All the things I've said to myself I could be.

What the hell are his secrets, they must be quite simple.
She laughs till she cries with one flash of his dimple.
She's always raising her brows at my simple requests,
but with him, I don't know, she just does what he says. 
She works feverishly for him, always ready for more,
Leaving me to do dishes and sweep up the floors. 

Good God man, look how he's holding her breast,
It took me 10 dates to get even close to her chest.
I'm bigger and stronger, and can earn money to boot.
But if both of us cry its not me she runs to.
He is mystical, magical, and doesn't play by the rules.
And his spell can't be broken by man-made tools.

So I sit on the sidelines and watch this affair,
no courage to butt in, I just sit and I stare.
Somehow he's got her,...her hearts in his hands.
Should this make me feel like less of a man?
On the contrary, I'm giddy with glee!
When I look in his eyes what looks back looks like me!
So who is this young man? I'll ask one more time.
He's my son, so forgive if I let my pride shine.


  1. aw. love it!
    Who is this man who used to write songs for his wife?
    Sappy songs about how she completed his life.
    Apparently he's turned his attention to a much smaller guy.
    The words he now writes for the apple of his eye.

  2. Conor,
    What a sweet and insightful man you are! You're catching on very quickly. The truth be told about a mama and her baby. Can't wait to see you in May. Love, Aunt Kimi
