Jimmy and Conor have been buddies since their voices started to crack and they began to notice that ladies weren't as annoying as they once thought them to be. They have been doing cool shit ever since. Like really cool shit. We got a badass sailing canoe off of craigslist (we were looking for a second vehicle but when that bad boy popped up under the search for volvo wagons it was a no brainer to spend the car money on her) and Jimmy instantly started researching spoil islands to camp on, tidal changes in our area, best routes across the Everglades, possible routes from our house to his, wind patterns for this time of year, lee board size calculations, and possible modifications to add to reduce water splashing into the canoe on account of plowing through seas at his predicated 8-10 knots. Jimmy: Optimist, Prepared Planner, Genuine Good Guy. . . and also a Husband to one of my favorite ladies in the Universe and Dad to two beautiful, tough little girls. I want Elwood to have a Jimmy in his life. A life long friend who brings the best out in him; a buddy that makes life more fun. Boys can always find drinking buddies or lady chasing buddies and I'm not saying Con and Jimmy were
not those kind of friends, being
much more proficient at the former than the latter back in college, but over the course of the 20 years they have known each other the core of their friendship is not built from the superficial bricks of party life but rather it has been built on trust, love, reliability, supportive talks, rational thinking. . . and doing tons of cool shit together. The other weekend I held Elwood on my hip as I watched Jimmy and Conor scramble around looking like the 12 year old versions of themselves as they readied the sailing canoe for her maiden voyage camping trip down the Indian River. A "test run" I was told by the boys to see what adjustments need to be made so it will be comfortable for when Elwood and I get to go. As the boys pushed off from shore, giddy with the lure of adventure, I waved them off with just a few pangs of envy. I then looked down at my grinning little boy and thought
I hope you meet a Jimmy to do all sorts of cool shit with.
"Jimbo. . . you were right, this splash guard is nice" |
"Dad, what do you mean I'm not going? I thought this was a boys trip?" |
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