This past year has been the most beautiful year of my life. Elwood, having you has brought an immeasurable amount of joy and love to my everyday life. Life truly has more meaning, beauty, innocence, wonder, forgiveness, love, and happiness in it. I am a better person, mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend because of your love.
Woody, you are truly a joy of life. You are happy almost every moment of the day. We walk the dogs together every morning and people passing by us say, "Oh there is that smiley boy again!" or "Does he ever stop smiling?" People yell down to us from their balcony, "That is the happiest little kid I have ever seen!" You have this light about you, people are happier when you are near them. Especially the people that love you. Conor and I love you more than we ever thought possible. We are so proud of the little person you are becoming. You are curious,adventuresome, and brave. You climb up, on and over absolutely everything. You love being outside. If you are ever upset all we have to do is take you outside and find a leaf or flower to look at and the tears stop and that million watt smile spreads across your handsome face. You love your Dad. You talk about him all day long while he is at work and you absolutely light up when he walks in the door. You jump out of my arms into his to give a chuckle and a snuggle. You love music. We listen to it most of the day and when you hear a song you like you stop, listen for a second as if to feel the rhythm, give a huge grin, and then start bobbing your head to the beat. I think your favorite genre is bluegrass. We have dance parties and you squeal and flap your arms around as you spin yourself in circles. I don't know who loves our dance parties more, me or you. You absolutely love when Conor plays the guitar. You get up real close with this great big smile, dance around, make some happy sounds, and pump your feet back and forth real fast into your "happy feet dance." You are affectionate. You crawl into our laps to say hi and give a cuddle. You bring us books and then place yourself in our laps to snuggle in for a good read. You love being read to, we can read 7 or 8 books in a row. You give hugs and kisses, big open mouth kisses. . . you even give them to the dogs. You like to hold hands. You love to wrestle on the bed. Your face lights up as you smush yourself into the covers trying to get to me and Conor. You still look like a mini version of Conor, and although people seem to feel the need to apologize to me when they say that as if I would be offended that you don't look like me, I LOVE that you look just like your Dad. You are both handsome as hell. And now that your personality is showing through more each day, more of me is showing up! You are social. You love love love story time at the library. You get a huge grin of your face when you figure out where we are and then you "make your rounds" as the other Mom's call it. You go around and gently say hello to all your friends; with a pat on the belly, a touch to the arm, or you just give a huge, loving smile. You love the water: bath time, beach time, pools, buckets, the hose, the dog water bowl, toilets (unfortunately), anything and everything that can get you wet. Our little Pisces. You love animals, especially our dogs and birds flying in the sky. You are always on the look out for birds and airplanes, you are usually searching the sky for the plane before I can even hear it. You are an enthusiastic waver. Your waves started as gentle little wrist twirls, very much like a Queen in a royal parade. Your waves now are full arm up and downs with an excited, grinning face to match. You are happy and playful but you have your quiet moments through out the day. We catch you with this pensive expression, intently looking at things, quietly thinking and observing the world around you. You are not the best at riding in the car, as long as I have toys and snacks you do ok, but just barely. You are starting to run and it is freakin adorable. You started trying a few weeks ago but it was basically a few very excited, rapid steps and then a fall looking as if you were trying to slide into home base. You are much more stable now that you are 1 and we run around the yard laughing with delight at each other. You say all sorts of sounds but I can't say for definite what your first word is. You say dada (all day), muma, nuna, yaya, pa, ba, T, and th sounds. You definitely know who "Dada" is and he has gotten a few excited "Da!'s" but we are not sure if they are intentional or coincidence. Conor and I both
think we have heard you say bird. You say it with a New York accent,
"Baaahd." and it is definitely when you get excited and see a bird but it has only happened a few times so we are not sure that is exactly what you are saying. So, for now, undecided first word. Your hair keeps getting more blond by the day, your eyes are a dark blue with green/hazel around the pupils. You are a pretty good eater with blueberries the clear front runner as your favorite food with grapes, cheese, and spaghetti and meatballs following closely behind. You have four top teeth and two bottom teeth. The Publix scales tells us you are about 22 pounds, and although you have a little bit of a Buddha belly you are still quite buff looking for a baby. Perhaps you are doing sit ups and push ups in your crib and that is what is keeping you up at night. Oh, Woody, you are still not a very good sleeper. You are trying and I am trying and it is getting better. . . slowly. Here's the thing, the two things that make you a tough baby to put to sleep you get from me. So, really I have no one to blame for your poor sleeping habits than myself. You like to be part of the party. You would rather fall asleep in the sling while still being a part of the party than go to bed. (I have fallen asleep on countless bar stools and couches instead of just putting my tired ass to bed) The other Mama habit you have is you like to cuddle. When we let you sleep with us you rub both me and Conor through out the night. If you startle yourself awake all I have to do is let you hold my hand and you go right back to sleep. You snuggle in and sleep peacefully. You are just about the most heart warming little cuddle bug I have ever seen. We are trying to get you to sleep in your crib and if I stop patting you too early, without opening your eyes or hardly moving, you put your chubby little hand through the crib slates and open and close it until you feel my hand in yours. It is equal parts heart breaking and adorable. Oh, Woody, my little love. Happy First Year of Life. You are such a loving, sweet little man. Conor and I love you more than life itself and we are trying to be the peaceful parents you deserve. We are trying to show and give you a life of simplicity, peace, kindness, good will and respect towards every being on this fragile, beautiful Earth, laughter, patience, joy and love. I love you with my whole being, Elwood Wakon.
March 2012
March 2013
Your birthday fell on Library Day! |
I made organic, healthy blueberry cupcakes with blueberry cream cheese frosting. You loved them! |
Woody and his Bestie |
You had some special visitors for your birthday weekend! Oma, Jer, Pippy, Ashley and Sarah all celebrated with you! |
Thanks for the awesome 1 year old ensemble, Pippy! |
Organic, healthy cupcakes, Ma? Hmmm. . . Why are they so small? |
Delicious! |
Follow that cupcake up with a flower |
Happy Birthday, Elwood! |
Meghan, you out did yourself--best Elwood blog ever! Love your writing-you captured it all!
ReplyDeleteLove the walk but over the last year--now and then. OMG I love that carseat pic! It is on my desk at work and just makes me smile!! XOXOX OMA