Sunday, June 14, 2015

Harper Hotel

We successfully moved ourselves into the gracious Harper Hotel.  Pops and Grammie loved, helped, fed, and took care of us for the last month.  The month was busy and fun; filled with laughs, baby holding, marble playing, dodging more than one stomach bug, beach mornings and evenings, ballet recitals, body surfing, boogie boarding, tie dying, recipe sharing, and love.  Lots of love.  That's what family is all about.  Loving each other and taking care of each other.   

Pops and his new #1 Fan

Tough Faces 

Marble Mornings

We were waiting to pick something up from CVS and it was taking awhile.  I turn around to see this teenager making himself comfortable.

Dinner at the Prevatt House

Pictures for Dad

Annie's school has a surf school day once a week.  We met the class at the beach with our boogie boards

The waves were pretty epic

Woody and I spent a lot of time in the neighborhood pool learning how to swim.  At times the progress was slow but by the end of our month in jax, the kid could swim.  Not for very long lengths, but legit swimming.  In the beginning when he would get scared about putting his face in, swimming a longer distance, etc.  I would say to him, "Pal, I know swimming can be a little scary at first but then it is SO fun!" he would respond in the saddest little voice, "It's not a little scary, it's SO scary."
My little buddy was so tough learning this big new skill.  I kept telling him how proud and excited Dad is going to be when we show him once we get to Panama! 

My beach girl does her best sleeping listening to the waves

Wood's favorite new toy is my brother's Tomahawk

Woody's been resisting naps
He clearly doesn't need them anymore

Pops taking a turn on the exercise ball.  Tohi is, um, challenging at times.  She likes movement, particularly bouncing while being held.  A slight rocking in a bassinet is not going to do the trick 90 percent of the time.  She needs to be held and bounced. So, when I need a break from skipping down my parents street (literally skipping, walking is not enough) we take turns bouncing her on my Dad's exercise ball.  I'm thinking about throwing some clothes out so I can fit it in my suitcase for Panama 

I think this might be Woody's first time in a stroller.  The kid loves it.  

Surf School Day again

Annie cruising in

Taking pictures of the dogs fitting in their kennels for the airline.  It was an absurd amount of work getting the dogs ready to move to Panama.  There were multiple phone calls to airlines and cargo and vets, over nighting documents to the USDA office and the Consulate of Panama to receive special stamps.  There was a pre-check in prior to our flight to examine documents, kennels, and dogs.  The fees were way more than plane tickets.   I had to coordinate a vet to meet us at the airport in Panama City to have another examination and to pay more fees.  All I have to say is these dogs better lay down and die for us, if needed, in Panama.  

Cabana Club Evenings

My best friends boys

Donuts at the beach
What a way to start the day! 

Taking a picture for Dad of our lego houses

Obviously, this is an exact replica of the house we are building in Panama

Body Surfing!
Our big smile girl and her handsome brother.  Tohi first smiled over Memorial Day Weekend.  We knew it was coming and we all were trying like crazy to get her to do that first smile.  My mom said it perfectly, "Her eyes are smiling, she's about to really smile!" And she was right.  I got the first smile, it was beautiful and big and bright.  I am just crazy for those dimples.

This tutu girl is ready to go watch her cousin's ballet recital

She was losing it in the car so we pulled over for a break and a nurse and look how happy she is! She just wanted out of that carseat!

"What's that Mom? It's 3am and I'm suppose to be sleeping? Are you sure?"
"It doesn't feel like I should be sleeping."

"Aw, Mom, stop being so funny and maybe I'll get sleepy again."

Maren and Woody went to camp together at Maren's school.  They had a blast.  I mostly heard about the watermelon and popcorn snacks.

Helping Mom pack

This is a pretty accurate picture of my life right now.  Tohi in the sling and Woody smothering her with love

This old lady got herself a Panama haircut and is acting like a Puppy again

Tohi's future love, Ben

First pic in their wedding slide show

As of lately, Woody has been taking care of my old cabbage patch doll.  He named her "Baby Meghan" (I'm going to take this as a compliment)  He's adorable with her.  We will wake up in the morning and he'll tell me that "Baby Meghan was up all night crying."  He recently told me that she was crying and he needed to nurse her.  I explained that only moms can nurse.  Only Mom's have mama's milk but that I would be happy to pump some milk for him to give to Baby Meghan in a bottle.  He looked at me with a face that said well that's a foolish idea then as he turned away, he said "I just nurse her instead."  He also bounces his baby on a blow up ball to soothe her.  It's all just too adorable and sweet.  

Birthday Kisses for Mom

I just love this boy

The expert packer hard at work
Can you spot the cute baby?

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