Errand running is a whole different experience here. It's usually a pretty sweaty, walking/carrying workout of sorts. For me, I always have Tohi slung against my front. (It's a similar feeling to being pregnant but the bump in front wiggles and squirms and squeals and smiles and cries and nurses and demands to be let out of the sling. Soo, similar but not)
So, any errand running requires me to carry an extra 15 lbs or so of wiggling hotness against my body and a bag on my back. Since our house is still being built, we do not yet own my luxury item of a washer and dryer. I always have a very full backpack of dirty laundry to drop off in town. (It's extremely noticeable how much laundry a family of four produces when you have to carry it on your back. Good Lord we go through some towels fast.) Before I even leave the house I am carrying at least 30 extra pounds. Most errands take us to Bocas which we get to by boat. The only person that loves this part more than me, is Woody. He loves the water taxi's. If it were up to him he would just ride around all day. No need to get off, he would rather just ride around until I was done in town and then ride back to Bastimentos with me. I get it. It's awesome to be on a boat. It's beautiful, fun, it cools you off, it's way more awesome than a car ride to the grocery store.
When we get to town, I make Woody get out of the boat, I drop off and pick up laundry. We walk to a variety of stores filling my back pack with fresh bread, veggies, a few staples, and any other miscellaneous items on my list. I then load myself and whatever kids I have with me, back into a water taxi and ride back to Bastimentos. Occasionally at the docks, I get a few looks as I swing the garbage bag of laundry on my head due to the back pack being full and the baby taking up all the room in the front. I just smile and say hello.
When I unload at the rental house, I walk around as if I am floating I feel so light. I also have some pretty serious B.O kicking. My shirt and baby are pretty sweaty. . . but I'm happy. Honestly, I'm proud of myself. That shit is heavy and I feel good that I can carry all of it by myself. My shoulder muscles are sore and my ankles are covered in mud because it's been raining like crazy. I love that my kids think this is normal. It's just a trip to town, but it is making us stronger, physically and mentally. Woody can now walk long distances without whining about the heat and/or distance and I'm doing far less whining about it in my head. It is just a trip to town; but it is changing us. And I like it.
Woody checking out where Gualby use to be anchored |
Before going into town, Woody says to me, "Mom! You know what we haven't had in YEARS?? GRAPES! We should get some at the store." I told him we will definitely look but I prepped him that they probably wouldn't have any. What was in town that day? A truck with its bed full of the biggest, most delicious grapes we have every tasted. Best. Day. Ever. |
Tohi was less excited about the grape truck. She's just a milk girl |
Recently, Elwood told Conor near the end of a boat ride, "Dad, I don't want to get off the boat." Conor sensed a meltdown coming so he tried reasoning with his little buddy. He explained, "We have to get back to the house to eat dinner with Mom and Tohi" To which Woody replied, "No, no, you go get Mom and Tohi and we can eat dinner on the boat! You go get me my pillow and a bed and I'll just sleep here too!" We didn't have the heart to tell him that's how we use to live. |