Saturday, January 30, 2016

Move in Day!

We moved into our home during the first few days of November.  Home.  What a lovely word.  Conor and I have been so nomadic through out our relationship, for us to put down roots feels good.  We have plans to plant a garden; and not just a garden for a season but trees that we won't see fruit for years.  We are not just adding a deck to a rental house.  We built a home.  Perhaps, in the future, just our "home base" but for now our HOME.  It feels good to be home.  

I took a bunch of "move-in" pictures because we are so excited to start finishing the interior of the house that it will be fun to look back and compare.  The to-do lists at this point are a little overwhelming but we are so happy to be home.  

The bright pink pack-n-play totally blends with the jungle

The unfinished railing 
is on the top of the to-do list

Outdoor shower in the making

Sawdust Just Everywhere

Catching up on our spanish news while we cool off at John's Bakery

Everyone totally fits on one air mattress
Our current sleeping arrangements

Slow morning in our HOME

Sleeping Pad/Wrestle Mat

snorkels are AWESOME!

Woody helping me prep for dinner in our "kitchen area"

Unpacking from the bodega! 

all this girl wants to do is climb that ladder

"Napping is soo overrated."

"Unless I'm snuggled up to mom, then maybe a short nap."