Friday, June 1, 2018

Tohi Birthday Interview

Tohi and her birthday tree, a Miracle Fruit Tree

This tree produces a little red berry.  If you roll the berry around in your mouth and then eat; it makes you perceive sour foods to taste sweet.  It's pretty crazy. . . and makes all things sweet!
Just like you!   

What is your full name? Tohi
Do you know your full name? No. 
Do you have a nickname?  Yeah, like Elwood Wakon
How old did you just turn? 3!
What is your favorite color? pink and purple
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A real dragon.  
What is your favorite food? Chicken and rice and beans
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Getting Maracuyas
What is your favorite thing to do inside? Playing with Francie, with water.  
Do you have a favorite toy? Yeah, its Baby
What is your favorite fun thing to do with Dad? Swim out deep and go under waves.  
With Mom? Play with flour with you. 
Woody? Play blocks.
Francie? Play with water
What can you do now that you are 3 that you couldn't do when you were 2? I can't do exercise like Woody and Dad.     

Tohi at 3 years old.  
Oh my little Tohi girl.  You are just the best.  You are just this magical, feminine, tough, hilarious, defiant, loving little being.  We just love you so much.  

You are hilarious.  You are a happy, energetic little girl.  You have fabulous dance moves.  I just love to watch your little shoulders move back and forth and see your sweet little body wiggle around to the beat.  You say funny things all the time and it cracks us up.  We were walking to Wizards the other day and you wanted to hold my hand, so of course, so did Elwood.  Well the path is not big enough for us to walk three across holding hands so as I'm nicely explaining to Woody that he's our big boy and Tohi needs a little help so I'm going to hold her hand.  You say, "Hold your own hand, Woody!" as you trudge forward, not even looking behind you to see Woody's reaction.  And your tone was not mean, it was a funny/exasperated tone.  When Frances goes to bed we all blow kisses to each other and you say, "Night Francie! I yuv you! I gonna be nice to you tomorrow!"  You don't say all your sounds correctly and it's adorable.  For example, you say a "w or y" sound for "l" and a "t" sound for "k."  An expression you say and we've started saying as well is if something happens that is silly or unexpected, you say, "What the Het?!?" (heck) Your little arms go out to the sides and your expression is amused confusion, and then your sweet little face breaks into this huge smile, highlighting those fabulous dimples.  You are just heart meltingly adorable.    

You are such a big girl and you let us know.  The hispanic ladies in the stores in town just love you and they call you their "baby" when they see you and you politely remind them that "I not a baby.  I a big girl."  Not only do you have a lot of your sounds confused but you also talk a little bit like an old Irishman.  You say things like "Where's me brother?" or "I gonna go get me baby."  Or if you are looking for Frances, you'll "Where is her?" You measure things in family members instead of sizes.  For instance, if a step you are climbing up is very big, you'll say "This is a big Daddy step." or if the step is very small, you'll say in this tiny, cute voice, "Ohhhh! Look at this little baby Francie step."  These measurements can be applied to all things.  Steps, foods, clothing, leaves, butterflies, etc. 

You go to swim class on Wednesdays and you just LOVE it.  It is with the magical Elena and you are showing a lot of improvement in your abilities.  You are so proud of yourself and we are so proud of you! We swim in front of the house often and you are so brave in the waves.  They knock you down and wash you into the rocks and you get right back up and go play with Woody again.  You like to swim out deep with Dad and Wood.  You dive under the waves and are very brave.  We are so proud of you! You have these adorable pink goggles.  You put your head under and get SO excited to see me or Woody waving back at you.  You pop your sweet head up and exclaim, "I see you! I see you!"

You are a fashion girl.  It's quite funny to watch.  It is so innate in you.  This is definitely a "nature" not a "nuture" quality.  You love to pick out your outfits in the morning and some mornings you'll also bring an adorable outfit down for Frankie.  If I wear a cute shirt or put a pair of earrings on, you always notice and compliment me on my choices.  You are thoughtful and sweet.  Your little voice is just the best.  And you look at us with this round, happy face surrounded by these soft wavy blond curls and we just melt for you.  You sing a lot.  Sometimes it is just a beautiful made up song but you also sing to get out of trouble and its adorable and effective.  Dad and I sometimes sing when we are frustrated at the amount of times we are repeating ourselves.  For example,  I will have asked you to put the toys away multiple times and instead of yelling, I'll sing "Why is nobody listeninnnng? Why is nobody picking up the tooooys??? What is going onnn??" and you'll answer in this beautifully high pitched sweetest sing songy voice, "Moooom, I is still putting babEEE'S clothes onnnnn. I will pick uuuup in a second."   Well, I do not make you stop and obey and pick up the toys.  I let you finish whatever you are doing because your singing wins me over. haha!

You love playing tea party.  We get all your dolls and stuffed animals together and make a little party for everyone to join.  You love playing with water.  Whether it's making soup outside or just moving water from one container to another out on the porch.  It keeps you busy and entertained.  You love playing with Woody and Frankie but you are very content to play by yourself.  I see you out in the garden talking to yourself and enjoying the company of you.  Or you will take your dolls and go in the hammock and just swing and talk to your "friends."  You are just mellow and content.  Your first year of life was so turbulent and hard, and then your second year was hilarious and fun, and your third year has been so full of love and contentment and peace and, of course, more hilarity.  

You and Woody are buds.  It's really, really cute to watch.  You guys make it work.  You are not always playing the same game but you've decided on roles that you are both happy with and you incorporate the games together.  You can play outside for ages without a squabble.  It's so sweet to listen to your ideas bouncing back and forth and the game unfolding and you navigate the differences in ages and ideas.  You both go to bed at the same time.  I do songs or books or talking and snuggling but then I give kisses and say good night with both of you still awake.  We hear you talking and laughing with each other after I leave.  A lot of evenings when I check on you before I go to bed, you and Woody are snuggled together in the same bed fast asleep.  It warms a Mom's heart to see it.   I love how much you love each other and take care of each other.  

Frances and you are getting to be buds.  You reeeaaallllly love her.  But you don't like it when she doesn't want to be held or squeezed or kissed with an aggressive amount of love.  You love to make silly faces and play peekaboo.  If she's upset, you run all around trying to find her bottle and then you run over to her and put it in her mouth saying "Here Francie.  Here Francie." in this comforting tone.  You are a fabulous big sister.   

You and I are buddies too, of course.  You climb in my lap and shower me with kisses and hugs.  We laugh and play and giggle together.  We love to play with play dough when Frances goes to sleep.  We make all kinds of foods and little snake families.  I let you look at my jewelry and you careful take each piece out and gently examine it and try it on or you want me to try it on.  You are careful and precise with little items.  You help me cook and you love to chop the veggies for dinner.  We are buds for sure. . . But, as much as you love me, Dad has your heart.  You are so crazy for your Dad.  And he is so crazy for you.  I think he sees a lot of his personality in you.  I was putting you to bed the other night and I said something to you like "you are just my best girl.  I love you so much." and you gave me a kiss and told me you loved me and then you said, "You know who is my best boy is? Dad.  Dad is my best boy."  You just love him and he loves you.  

You are getting to be such a tough little island girl.  You now walk all the way to Wizards Beach by yourself.  It's 45 minute walk through a hilly jungle path and you walk with such confidence.  On Fridays, Dad takes you and Woody to town to by some groceries for the weekend.  It's a special treat type of trip and you and Woody both just love it.  You help Dad pick out the groceries and some special treats for the weekend.  You guys stop at a little restaurant and get a special snack or drink and just relax with the "big kids."  You'll say things like, "Dad a big kid, Woody a big kid, and I a big kid.  But Francie, she just a baby."     You love to wrestle with Dad and Woody and you are very tough.  Sometimes, Woody will get a little too rough but Dad always protects you.  Then, just when Dad and Woody are focused on just wrestling each other, you come in for the sneak attack.  You fight a little dirty.  We've seen punches and bites but mostly you just like to get Woody when he leasts expects it.  We all think it is pretty funny.  

You are this wonderful combination of femininity and softness mixed with a wild, tough little girl.  You are so sweet and gentle when you take care of your baby and then you can make a lego ship and run all around the house shooting things with Woody.  Your "shooter" sound is hilarious.  It's as if you are saying "B" and then "M" really fast.  "B-em!Be-em!B-em!B-em!" You love to dig in the garden and get dirty.  You love to make a fire and cook over it.  You are just a perfect balance to the other members of our family.    

Oh Tohi girl.  We love you so much.  You are a sweet, funny, loving, affectionate, tough, hilarious, singing, dancing, amazing little three year old.  We are so crazy for you.   

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