Wednesday, March 25, 2020

birthday interview with woody

Happy 8th Birthday, Wood Man!
Oh Buddy, we are so crazy for you.  8 years in and you are still our special, sensitive, high energy, nature loving little boy.  

You have had a big year this year.  You have shown strength, courage, kindness, and perseverance.  The biggest change you had this year was during your birthday month when you started public school.  You were excited yet nervous.  You were amazing.  You came home with stories of recess and lunch, naughty kids and kind kids.  You went into a classroom full of kids that had already been together doing the same work and being on the same schedule for 8 months.  You did an amazing job adjusting to that environment.  At the end of your day, while the girls and I waited on the outside of the pick-up fence, I would watch you walk to your bike.  Sometimes you were chatting with a new friend or other times walking by yourself.  You had a confidence to yourself that I was so proud of.  Not ever a cockiness, just a sense of self that made me feel very proud of you.  We started you in school because you really wanted to meet some friends.  I get that.  Your sisters are fun but you are at the age that a few buddies your age are important to your development.  So as a kid that very much wanted friends, you chose your friends carefully.  I don't think you had, or have, a concept of popularity or social status within your grade but even if you did grasp this ridiculous concept, I don't think it would have affected you.  You chose kids that were kind and fun and well behaved in class to befriend.  I was proud that even though you really wanted friends, you weren't ok being looped in with the kids that you thought were rude or unkind.  It showed an inner confidence that made me think you are going make it just fine in the public school system.  

And oh, the system.  One of the reasons we wanted to try home school was because we believe that there are flaws in the system.  The system was designed to make children cogs to fit into the machine that makes The Man rich.  And you had a little trouble fitting into The Man's program.  Not in a behavior way but in a test taking way.  These kids in your class had been using the same workbooks and answering the same style of test questions for years.  They start kids on some of these I-Ready programs in kindergarten.  There was a bit of a learning curve in your ability to learn how to take their tests.  When your teacher expressed concerns, I was respectful but what I wanted to scream was "He is a beautiful butterfly with a pure spirit and just because he isn't a cog yet does not mean he doesn't understand the material!!!!" But, I am learning how to be part of the system again too so I politely listened to her and then me and you talked at home.  I explained that you are just as smart as the kids in your class, they just know how to take the tests better than you do.  So we did extra work at home practicing from the programs they use and you caught yourself up in no time! You were such a hard worker and Dad and I were so proud of you! They needed to test you at that end to make sure you were ready to to go to third grade and you tested at a 3rd grade level and at times a 4th grade level.  I wanted to scream at your teacher "Take that!!!! See?!?! I can teach him to test like a cog and then you will think he is smart!"  But instead, I said, "Yes, we are pleased with his test scores as well."   That's a bit long in relation to the school system, but it was defining for you.  We explained the situation, you said you liked school and wanted to stay so we helped you fit the mold.  You worked hard and excelled.  We are so proud of what a hard worker and smart little boy you are.  

You love to be outside.  We have this fish pond in our back yard and you are always checking on the fish or skimming the pond scum.  There is a dove that seems to like you.  You have named him "Joey" and when you are sitting quietly outside, he will come sit by you.  It's quite adorable. 

You have lots of energy still and when you start aggravating the girls by being too rough with them, we tell you to go ride your bike or skateboard around the neighborhood. You are gone for a bit and then you come back happy and refreshed.  A little exercise and some fresh air resets you.  

You still love jiujitsu.  However, since the pandemic you have not been able to practice lately.  We do work outs as a family so hopefully you wont be too out of shape when it starts back up again! 

You have been surfing with Dad a few times lately and you love it! It took some convincing on Dad's part to get you out there.  You just wanted to boogie board but Dad persuaded you and you were hooked again.  You had some nice rides and you came in so excited and energized! Dad's excited to get you able to paddle into your own waves this summer so he can have a legit surf buddy.  

You love to skateboard.  You were going to the skate parks in Jax and St. Aug but we haven't been to one here because of the pandemic.  You are working on your Ollie and you are getting pretty good! You don't get off the ground every time but most times, there is a little baby Ollie happening right now.  It's fun to watch you work hard at something you enjoy so much.    

You love to do art.  You love paint and do clay.  Me and you watercolor together and you are so patient and meticulous in your designs.  Our family recently got a pottery wheel and you love throwing on it.  I still center the clay for you but you can make some pretty nice looking bowls and cups! I will give you a few pointers and you always listen and try to do what I am explaining.  It is a sweet bond we have right now.  

You play really nice with your sisters.  You love little Francie and you love to take care of her and help her when she needs it.  You two are especially cute together at the beach.  She loves to be in the water as well and you two sit together in the shallow waters and let the waves bash you about.  You laugh and roll around and you are always right there to hold her hand if the waves get too scary for her.  

You and Tohi are super buds.  It is so amazing as a mom to watch.  Frances doesn't really notice or care that she gets left out of the magic you two create together.  You and Tohi make up games and play so creatively together.  You make her laugh like no one else can.  And then she gets silly and makes you laugh and it is just the best thing in the world to listen to.  The cutest thing you guys have been doing lately is writing songs together.  Billie Eilish and her brother, Finneas have been an inspiration for you two and I can see some of Billie Eilish's influence in Tohi's singing style.  You play guitar, sing, and write the lyrics.  It's all pretty adorable and awesome.  

Elwood, you are a compassionate, sensitive, funny, fun, hard working, thoughtful, creative, energetic awesome little guy.  Dad and I are so proud of you.  We love you and love hanging out with you every day.  We know it's what you want, but I am sure gonna miss hanging out with you every day, if and when, school starts in the Fall.  But, I am sure I will find new ways to be proud of you then.  We love you so much.  Happy Birthday, Buddy. 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Fossil Hunting Birthday for Woody

Off to the Peace River to find some fossils!
Woody held his shovel the whole car ride there.

we walked up river to find a good spot

Frances was hilarious.  She was totally into it.  She dug and sifted like a fossil hunting boss. 

Conor was putting the "saber tooth tiger skull" vibe out. 

Conor found a couple of big teeth and placed them on top of his gravel load and asked Frances to sift through it for him.  She was ecstatic when she found her teeth.  The funny part, after that if anyone said they hadn't found anything for awhile, Frances would come running over and say "Let me look.  I'll help you.  Let me look."  as if she was going to find those huge teeth every time.  

We were ALL hoping to find a megalodon tooth but if we had to choose just one of us to find one, it would have been the birthday boy.  And just about an hour before we headed back, this sweet kid found one! Happy 8th Birthday, Buddy.  We sure love you! 

After hours of digging right in this spot, Conor noticed an alligator on the bank.  It was an adventurous birthday!

not even watching a movie in a hotel bed while eating popcorn can tear Tohi away from her office work 

Happy 8th Birthday, Woody. 
We all love you so much! 


Thursday, March 12, 2020

OMG, so this happened

First Day of School
We made the decision to end second grade in the public school system.  Mostly to make some friends in our neighborhood before summer.  Woody was ready for a change, he was ready to have some play buddies his age.  He was, of course, nervous but it all went really well.  His teacher set a very welcoming tone in her classroom and all the kids were super nice and friendly.  He came home with classic stories about recess and lunch and kids that got in trouble and the kids that wanted to be his friend and my mom heart just swelled up with pride. . . and happiness and just a pinch of sadness.  My little boy was growing up.  He tackled this huge milestone of starting school in the middle of the school year with grace, courage and kindness.   I could not be more proud of him. 

This beautiful, sweet little girl started VPK.  I can't even with the grown up cuteness.  

And then there were two
Fern and Mom

Tohi loves VPK.  She loves her teacher, she loves the art projects, and she already has two friends! She can't remember their names but she does know that they are really nice and fun.  

dropping Tohi off at school
Both Tohi and Woody's school are walking distance from the rental house 

it was "black and white" picture day at Tohi's school and she requested "braided princess hair." Which, of course, meant Tohi and Frances were going to have braided princess hair. 

these next photos absolutely crack me up.  I just asked them to turn their heads so I could see the braids and these next pictures happened naturally.  LOL

skating to go pick up Woody from school