Thursday, March 12, 2020

OMG, so this happened

First Day of School
We made the decision to end second grade in the public school system.  Mostly to make some friends in our neighborhood before summer.  Woody was ready for a change, he was ready to have some play buddies his age.  He was, of course, nervous but it all went really well.  His teacher set a very welcoming tone in her classroom and all the kids were super nice and friendly.  He came home with classic stories about recess and lunch and kids that got in trouble and the kids that wanted to be his friend and my mom heart just swelled up with pride. . . and happiness and just a pinch of sadness.  My little boy was growing up.  He tackled this huge milestone of starting school in the middle of the school year with grace, courage and kindness.   I could not be more proud of him. 

This beautiful, sweet little girl started VPK.  I can't even with the grown up cuteness.  

And then there were two
Fern and Mom

Tohi loves VPK.  She loves her teacher, she loves the art projects, and she already has two friends! She can't remember their names but she does know that they are really nice and fun.  

dropping Tohi off at school
Both Tohi and Woody's school are walking distance from the rental house 

it was "black and white" picture day at Tohi's school and she requested "braided princess hair." Which, of course, meant Tohi and Frances were going to have braided princess hair. 

these next photos absolutely crack me up.  I just asked them to turn their heads so I could see the braids and these next pictures happened naturally.  LOL

skating to go pick up Woody from school 

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