Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mama Meg and her little Man

        I am loving being back in Bocas.  I love the energy this town has.  There is a Bohemian,earthy, friendly, young, salty vibe here and it encourages this peaceful, happy part of me.  I can sit on my porch, hear the waves crashing on the beach, hold my beautiful baby in my arms, and look at the love of my life sitting in a hammock across from me.  I am the happiest I think I have ever been, and perhaps it doesn't have a thing to do with being in Bocas.  Having Elwood in our lives has been the most rewarding, wonderful, hysterical, and slightly exhausting experience I have ever had.  I feel different being a mother, which I expected but not to this extent.  I have this peace and happiness that reaches down into my soul.  Elwood has given me this inner strength I didn't even know I had.  My heart swells with the biggest love everytime I look at Elwood, and then when I see glimpses of Conor looking back at me, my heart holds even more love, which I didn't think was possible.  I feel like the Grinch, my heart growing so big that is breaks the cartoon square measuring device.  My love for Elwood has made me feel more love and patience with my husband, my dogs, my life, the world.  I feel so fortunate that my life is what it is, I am where I am, and I am with who I am with.  My life is not perfect, perfect is boring.   Our dogs don't listen, my husband annoys me sometimes, our baby screams at night, but man, I couldn't be happier or more grateful that this is my life.  


  1. I know we are late keeping up, but CONGRATS guys! Good looking boy, im sure you are proud.

    The Seals
