Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm so vain

I probably think this song is about me. . .


      These days, Yup, I probably do.  Having a child is suppose to make a woman selfless and all "I only think of the needs of my child and hardly ever of myself and never about such shallow things as hair", right?  Ok, well I don’t think I have turned into a self centered, self indulgent sassy pants BUT I have been spending a significantly larger amount of time in front of the mirror these days.  I can't help it! I have never really had any hair issues in my life before.  In the past, when friends would complain about their hair, haircuts, hairdressers and the lack of good ones out there, I would just smile and nod.  Not because I have awesome hair, its because I had healthy, normal length, low maintenance hair that usually looked good-ish no matter what I did to it.  I barely brushed my hair, let alone styled it and it usually passed for “cute” or “acceptable” and sometimes even pretty or at the very least, “beachy,” which was totally ok with me.  I knew I was lucky, hair is a big deal to the lady crowd, and to get away with next to nothing for effort that went into my hair and it coming out looking socially acceptable was a nice genetic perk.  So this change to a short do has triggered a vain streak in me.  My new short hair, that I haven’t quite figured out what to do with, has got me glancing in the mirror WAY more often then my normal.  I look in the mirror, smooth it the side, re part it, strategically place a few bobby pins, re part it again, put some products in, look to the side, place a few more bobby pins, re part it, hell, I even blow dried my hair the other day in my vain attempt at trying to tame the shag mullet.  I haven't blow dried my hair since my wedding day—five years ago! 

        My hairdresser, Kim and my stylist, Ruth went above and beyond helping me with my hair while they were here visiting at the beginning of May.  Every few days we would discuss my hair, how I felt about it and how much more we should cut off.  I love them for the effort, time, thoughtfulness, and absolute skills they gave while trying to transform my post dread head into a manageable hair do.  Honestly, because of their expertise and patience, I have a hair cut that almost looks like I cut my hair that way on purpose.  Almost.  It's not their fault it couldn't totally transform.  A quick review of what I am working with:  my hair is now a mouse-y brown color (anything describe as “mouse-y” is going to be tough to make look pretty), it’s way curlier than I remembered it being, and it is layered like a motha, which is what gives it the “leftover leverne” or the “cerca 1987 Reenie permed, shag do” that is captured in my brother’s baby book.  Only, its not 1987, shags and perms are not cool, which is why I have been looking in the mirror so much.  I think I am getting close to the right combination of bobby pins, products, smoothing, and parting to maximize the “pixie” and minimize the “shag bob.”  Here are a few photos with the new do.  

        Oh yeah, we went to the panama canal a few days ago.  See!  look how vain I am.  I write nearly a page on my hair before I even mention we went to one of the spectacular engineering feats of my generation. Also, Elwood smiles AND laughs now.  I absolutely just about burst with happiness every time it happens. . . and I don’t even think about my hair.  

Maximizing trendy pixie-ness while minimizing shag mullet

Donna thinks a picture while waiting in the movie theater for the Panama Canal  5 minute movie to start is just as hysterical as Meg does

Conor disagrees

Little Man thought the Panama Canal was awesome! 
He could barely contain his excitement

Watching the ships go through made me long for the day that our little family is throwing the lines off Gualby to the handlers, instead of watching from the bleachers

Showcasing the "blown dried" look--doesn't it look shockingly different than the un-blow dried look?
Does sarcasm come through clear enough in a picture caption?

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