Tuesday, July 11, 2017

These days

Woody and Conor went to a birthday boat party while I stayed home with the girls

A bunch of kids on a fun dingy ride at the birthday party. Oh wait, what's that in the background? That's Gualby.  Tear.
Know locally as  Jager Knights.
Tear again.  

Woody came home all
"Mom! There was a SLIDE ON THE BOAT!"

Mom and the girls

We just adore our first born. Truly.  But this guy is getting tough to sleep in the same bed with. Could he take up any more room???

Frankie's go-to expression
"mild surprise"

Con built me a co-sleeper

hilarious middle child trying it out while pretending like she loves the pacifier she found 

Woody regulates a lot on what Tohi can and cannot play with.  These dinosaurs are usually off limits.  Guess who isn't home???
Tohi is enjoying the forbidden dinos and doing her best/cutest roars


Holding sleeping babies will make you tired
For reals. 

Bocas park nap as we wait for Woody to get out of Jiu-Jitsu

Home School

I ordered these because the company boasted about how much stronger they are than the regular cabinet locks. Well, that's absolute crap. just crap.  Any child that has as much strength as a newborn could easily pry these magnets off.  I ordered these not cheap cabinet locks because I am so tired of Tohi taking absolutely everything out of every cabinet all. damn. day.  I gleefully placed them on the cabinets while Tohi was napping.  When she awoke, I waited in delight as I watched her march over to the cabinet, thinking that I had won this battle against my toddler and I had regained some sort of order in my kitchen.  She pulled that cabinet door open so fast, completely unphased by the newly installed "mega locks."  

Toddler Battle Score
Tohi: 1  Mom: 0 

Frances is just so lovely.  She sleeps without being held. Unheard of for a Gorham baby. 

Woody singing to Frances
It's so sweet to hear and honestly super helpful.  He sings her to sleep sometimes

Just trying to grab a pic of Tohi looking cute in braids.  The girl will not cooperate. 

And this has started

Our first maracuya flower! We built an arbor over the walkway to our house and over the outdoor bath tub and I have been anxiously awaiting for the flowers and fruits to appear.  No fruits yet but this gorgeous flower is a start!

Ukulele jam session of a Woody original

Beautiful sunsets off our porch

Judging by the happy smile, the special treat drink and the mozzarella cheese. . . it's Friday Night! Pizza and a Movie! Friday night is everyone's favorite night!

So, Frances started smiling these huge beautiful, her whole face lights up with joy smiles about the beginning of April.  For weeks all I could capture was this above look.  Miss double chin/mildly surprised when just seconds before she was grinning from ear to ear.  

A glimpse of her happy smile

She sees the phone trying to capture her smile and she goes immediately back to "mild surprise"

Easter Morning
We were invited to an easter egg hunt
at a friends house

Those chins!
Those cheeks!

Sometimes Frankie reminds me so much of my baby Elwood

Our super happy girl caught on camera!

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