Thursday, July 6, 2017

Tohi is Two!

Two year old Tohi

Nicknames:  T, Toe-zilla, Toe-wini, Toe-skis

Favorite Foods: 
Rice and beans, juice, cookies, homemade tortillas, flour and water (seriously), cereal, smoothies, and butter (you call it cheese and I've caught you more than once eating it out of the fridge)

Favorite Toys:  
Baby, teapot and tea cups, most things that Woody has, anything up on the counter, anyone's phone or computer, sharp things or anything else that feels forbidden and/or dangerous

What you are like at two years old:

Seriously so hilarious, you crack us up all the time.  If I had to sum you up in three words it would be hilarious, adorable, and scream-y.  You are smart and fun and funny and affectionate but you also are a little scream-y.  We are reminding you to use your words instead of just screaming and you are trying.  We are helping you with ways to express your frustrations (that arise mostly in dealing with Woody) such as instead of screaming at a volume and intensity that makes everyone jump, say "No, thank you," "My turn," or "Get off me Woody."   You are trying to make the switch to words and I can tell you like being able to communicate your frustrations and we are really enjoying the decrease in the pterodactyl screams.  You love Elwood.  You call him "Dee" and you watch everything he does and try to replicate it.  It's really adorable to watch.  Elwood adores you as well and loves to help you.  Whenever you have pushed me to the limits and you are put in a time out or something dangerous has been snatched from your hand, you are so insulted by my behavior you run into Woody's arms as if to say "right, brother? Mom is the worst!" and Woody is so happy to hold you and rub your hair.  It's adorable and I think an occasional kids vs. parents bonding is important for siblings.  

You are independent and opinionated.  If Conor and I are explaining a plan that you don't agree with, we get an adorable furrowed brow from you, a finger wagging and a "no, no, no, no."  You have this adorable way about you that makes us say yes to you when really we should say no.  The way you ask for things is so adorable and sweet and your face lights up and your little body wiggles with excitement when we yield to your requests that it makes it very hard to say no to you.  A good example is when you ask for juice in your bottle.  First of all, I am trying to have bottle just for bed but you LOVE  your bottle so I use it when it is convenient for me as well.  You take your hands and place them on each of my cheeks and sweetly whisper "juice, bottle.  Juice.  Bottle."  and as you say this you are looking deep into my eyes with this knowing look that I will do what you are asking while nodding your head yes.  It's adorable and hypnotic.  I feel myself saying, "yes, I do want to get you juice in your bottle!" haha! 

Since we've had Frances, Conor lets me sleep in and he gets up with you at your regular wake up time of somewhere between 4:45-5:30.  Your sweet little voice calls out "Dad??  I'm aaawaake."  Sometimes we hear you singing to yourself in your crib before you've decided it's time to get up.  If Dad doesn't come get you right away, you SILENTLY crawl out of your crib and down the steps to our bed.  You are dangerously stealth.  Woody was always very obvious with his announcement into our bed but you just silently arrive.  It's a bit startling at times.  You and Dad go downstairs and he gets you juice in your bottle and you watch Masha and the Bear while Dad rubs your feet.  If Dad happens to fall asleep you place your feet back in his hands and wake him up to finish the rubbing.  Dad is crazy for you.  We all are but Dad especially finds you irresistible.  

You talk a lot and have no trouble getting your opinions across.  You have a few of your sounds mixed up.  You say a "t" sound for the "k" sound and the "y" for the "l."  A few cute examples:
If you are trying to check on Woody, you say "Dee, you o-tah?"
or just the other night when Frances was fussing in her pack-n-play, you can running across the room to comfort her saying
"I hear you, Francie, I hear you.  I toming.  I toming"
We showed you how three hand squeezes means "I.  Love.  You."  so you squeeze our hands and say 
"I yuv you."
You are just heart meltingly adorable.  You have the most expressive face and hand motions.  Sometimes you are telling Dee what to do or talking back to me and Dad and we just can't help but laugh.  You have such a big personality in your little adorable body with those huge dimples when you smile and your head full of white blond curls.  You just crack us up.   

We had a fun family day to celebrate how much we love our big two year old! All day, you kept saying "Happy Bir-day Tohi!"

Yes, my love, happy birthday to you.  We couldn't imagine our lives without you in it.  
We love you so very much.  


Dad making some shade for our napping girls

Indoor swing for the birthday girl

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