Friday, September 6, 2019


We love the USA.  
The longer we live outside the USA, the deeper our appreciation grows for all the benefits of going back to visit, and for being from there.  However, Panama is home.  For now.  It is our home base.  We would love to one day have another home base back in the USA but for now, our little island in the Caribbean is home.  And it always feels so good to get home.  

building some more terraces to put all our new seeds!!!

water color with my buddy

a little table of hope

Woody happy to be back in his jiu jitsu classes

Dr. Tohi and her always obliging patient
When we were back in the States and people would say that wanted to visit us in Panama, Tohi would tell them, "Well, we DO have a doctor kit."  As if they were possibly on the fence about visiting, she was enticing them with the fact that they could play doctor when they arrived! haha!  

a friend gifted us these adorable felt sewing kits and Tohi and I had so much fun putting them together!  She was super into it and concentrating very hard on her sew job.  

Wood Man cutting down some trees

Tohi helping with her machete. 
Helpful yet dangerous. 

bee hive ginger

the poison dart frogs love it! 

the bee hive ginger is also known as the "shampoo ginger" so we tried it out.  It didn't really soap up but the liquid did make our skin feel silky.  And it was super fun. 

Tohi added some actual shampoo to hers and really got the full nature experience

first sweet pepper harvest! 
The plants seem to be growing slow and producing pretty small peppers but they are tasty!

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