A few weeks after we got back from the USA, I discovered an inguinal hernia on our sweet little Frances. I noticed it while she was crying in the shower, and although I have not been an active pediatric nurse in many moons, I was pretty sure my "at home diagnosis" was accurate. My suspicions were confirmed by the local pediatrician in Bocas. Inguinal hernias require surgery so I spent the next week calling and emailing pediatric surgeons in David and Panama City. It was a frustrating week of unreturned messages and increased stress as I kept telling the big kids to "not let Frances scream because of her hernia!" Then, on Saturday morning I received a phone call from a pediatric surgeon in Panama City. He politely and patiently addressed each of my questions from my detailed email and assured me that this was a common surgery that he had done many, many times in his 40 years as a pediatric surgeon. I hung up the phone relieved and over joyed. He was patient, and kind, and spoke english, and had done her surgery a million times. Dr. Pretto was our guy.
Frances and I took the bus to Panama City and saw Dr. Pretto in the afternoon on a Wednesday. He was able to do the surgery that coming Saturday. We were hoping for a closer surgery date but we were just happy and relieved to be getting the surgery done. Frances and I stayed in the big city living the posh hotel life. I was ready to get home but I think Frances was loving the only child life.
On Saturday morning, we headed to Punta Pacifica Hospital and checked into the ambulatory unit. The hospital and staff was top notch and we couldn't be happier with the professionalism and care she received while there. The anesthesiologist could tell that Frances was very nervous. His first clue was that she was letting NO ONE touch her besides her mom. He offered a "light sedative mixed with some liquid Tylenol" to calm her down and I agreed. The elixir did help her relax but not enough for the moment when they had to take her from my arms and bring her back to the surgery room. It was heart wrenching. I didn't let the tears fall until she was out of sight but as soon as those swinging doors shut, fall they did. I felt so helpless and scared standing there in the pre-op area with the sound of my baby yelling my name getting farther away as they took her down the hall. My medical mind knew this was a common and fast procedure with extremely low risk but my momma heart was aching for my little girl that was scared and confused and about to have full anaesthesia and her little belly opened up. I quickly gathered my bag and exited to the waiting area; using all my will power to resist the urge to push my way past the pre-op staff and through the doors towards the surgical suites to find my frightened little Francie.
The surgery went perfectly and Frances is all healed up. And honestly, after it was all over and we were back home with the family, it didn't feel like that big of a deal. Why was I so stressed about it? It is a common pediatric surgery and she is doing great. . . blah blah blah . . . but it was stressful for the amount of time from discovery of hernia to right after the surgery. There were just so many unknowns and uncertainty; from who was going to perform surgery, how it was going to go, where would she have the surgery, will I be able to understand everything that is going on, how much is all of this going to cost, will she be part of the small percentage that has complications, etc. etc. . . But she's doing great! All that momma worrying for nothing haha! The hardest part of her week recovery was keeping her out of the ocean! But all her stitches are out and she is our little mermaid once again! She has a tiny little scar that she occasionally tells us: "dats my surgery. But the doctor fixed me and I'm a big girl and I'm all better!"
We feel very relieved and happy that we were able to receive the most amazing care in such a short amount of time and that our little Francie girl is healthy and all healed up!
waiting for our water taxi to Almirante |
we hear it's absolutely freezing on the bus, these two sweaty friends are ready to get on already! |
cooling off on the bus and excited to be on an adventure just with mom! |
some chips and a viewing of the best movie ever. The bus trip was starting off great. Eventually, the bus got cold, and nauseating, and long but overall it wasn't too bad. We arrived at 4:30am and, thankfully, the hotel let us check in super early. Panamanians love kids; the concierge took one look at tired yet sweet Frances and we were shown right to our room with no early check in charges. What a good omen to start our hernia journey! |
who could say no to this cutie?! |
off to the pool! |
Living that Big City/Only Child Life |
if the waiting room was a reflection of the doctor, we were in good hands! |
hotel life |
This park was amazing. The equipment was clean and worked. No broken swings or derelict pieces waiting to give your kid tetanus. There were friendly workers picking up trash and putting it into trash cans that weren't overflowing. I didn't even feel like I was in Panama. Bocas needs to take a few lessons in cleanliness, work ethic, and overall pride in your town from Panama City. |
She is at the age where you don't need to put in any money and she is still having a blast! |
gal pal shopping day |
Making sure to get every last bit |
We picked out a present for her for being so brave and a present for Woody and Tohi to bring home. She proudly carried her bag all the way back to the hotel. |
Another little stop at another great park on the way back to the hotel. Francie is having the best vacation with just her mom! If she only knew what tomorrow would bring. Poor little peanut. |
ready for the big day tomorrow! |
Post-op Frances
Francie woke up so sad. She told me "I so sad. I was calling for you." ***Mom heart breaking*** |
Back at the hotel and having some cereal. I wanted to send Conor a "feeling better" picture and this was the best smile she could give me. I get it. Rough day. |
Frances was sure she couldn't walk to go fill our water bottles. Hours later she finally got up the nerve to walk, and she was shocked! She kept saying, "I can walk! I can walk!" |
morning after her surgery. Of course you can have cake for breakfast! |
nails painted! ready to go home! |
Meanwhile in Bastimentos with Dad and the big kids. . .
Tohi decided she wants to try jiu jitsu class! |

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