Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Quarantine Days

Happy Easter!

Oma had a birthday surprise for Tohi! 

Donna is selling the farm (which has been an emotional decision for her) but it works out for us that she wants to get rid of some furniture! Bunk beds for the girls! 

VPK home school projects 

sweetly? waiting to take their slices of sourdough bread 

dumpling helper

this lady is making a killing during the quarantine 

our bread apprentice 

We got Tohi's "black and white" school pictures back and I can't even with the cuteness!! I ordered a wallet size of each one because I could not choose just one! haha!

mani/pedi time

Pops and Grammie sent us some awesome games for Easter.  

Just when I start to think she is such a big girl, I see a picture like this. 
She is still our little baby girl. 

Beach Bunny!

Conor has been working over nights at the hospital.  Frances wanted to join him for one of his naps. 

another amazingly adorable dress from Oma!

Birthday Fairies from Grammie are getting a lot of love and attention

This gardener is never too busy to open a letter from a pen pal.  Woody has been writing letters (mostly so he can receive letters) to family and friends.  It's really cute.  It helps him work on his writing and spelling and he loves checking the mail to see if anyone has written him back. 

I think I may be a little young to feel this way. . . but I could wear either overalls or a moo-moo everyday. 

For Tohi's end of the year VPK project, she was asked to build something and take a picture for her class project. She decided to build a fairy house.  It's hard to see in the picture but there was a lot of detail and love put into it.  

what fairy house would be complete without an orange peel fire pit??

me: "go outside and put your bathing suits on"
**lots of giggling**
and then I come out to these cuties

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