Monday, June 1, 2020

"Let's Do It!"

Marriage can be beautiful and fulfilling, especially when children are involved but marriage can also be challenging and frustrating, especially when children are involved.  Relationships are work.  Conor and I have our challenging moments together.  However, I feel so grateful for my life partner.  When we do not get along, he is willing to get to the root of the problem with the hope that we both grow as individuals and as a couple.  He wants to talk it out and most of the time, he really listens to what I am feeling.  At the end of our day filled with work and kids and meals and games and crying and books and songs and snuggles, when we both fall exhausted into bed, he genuinely thanks me for taking care of the kids and doing the dishes.  He loves me very deeply and he honors me in a way that I have never felt before life with him.  When I said I wanted to get yoga teacher certified about the same time he first went back to work at the hospital, he said "Do it! Sign up now and we will figure out later who will watch baby Woody."  He could tell it was something I felt deeply about and he honored that in me.  In Panama, we rearranged the schedule so I could go to a pottery class because working with clay makes me feel happy and peaceful.  He saw that in me and encouraged me to go.  And now, we are back in Indialantic and he's back at the hospital full time and I just ordered a pottery wheel.  When I told him I was wanting to order one and asked what he thought about, he excitedly told me "Do it! Order it and I'll start my list of all the things I want you to make!" He sees me.  He knows me.  He honors me.  He does not think it is silly that I watercolor or want to be a potter. He sees me listening to myself and what makes me happy and fulfilled and he honors that in me.  To be seen and heard and encouraged to follow my passions is a true gift in life.  Being a wife and a mother was something I always wanted in life and those roles will always be my greatest joys.  However, the moment I mention that I would like this little other piece of me too, Conor always says to me, "Lets do it." And the funny thing is I think it's something for myself but it seems to weave its way through the rest of us as well.  My loves and interests become my family's loves and interests.  We do family yoga classes together.  All the kids love to paint and play with clay.  The big kids are actually intuitively good at the wheel.  As an adult, it's beautiful to watch a child make art without any inhibitions from the world telling them they are doing it wrong.  Their style and ideas have no boundaries.  Their self confidence in themselves is inspiring! I see it strong in the girls but as Woody gets older, I can see him starting to be self critical.  It is such a special time to acknowledge that and tell him that art knows no right or wrong.  Art knows no boundaries.  You don't have to be traditionally talented or go to art school (hello, look at your mom!) to make beautiful expressions of art.  If you feel happy creating, then your art is magic. 

Anyway, this started out as a Life isn't always easy but I sure feel grateful for my man who sees me for who I am and encourages my inner sense of self and morphed into creating art with my kids and guiding them to honor themselves and do things they enjoy is an exceptionally joyful part of parenting.  
But that is life, isnt' it? 
All we do is connected to the next. 
I cried when the wheel arrived.  I was just so excited and happy! 

Since my kids are adorable wheel hogs.  I do most of my throwing at night after I put them to sleep.  Frances saw the clay mess when she woke up in the morning and her feelings were so hurt that I would have the audacity to play with clay without my kids.  

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