Sunday, September 15, 2019

It's September already???

August went by in a blink.  
We had a Francie hernia surgery, a birthday for Conor, some front yard play, a few sewing projects and new, bigger water tanks!!. . . and then it was September! 

Happy Birthday Dad!
the kids made Conor super thoughtful cards and I helped them fill out a "questionnaire" all about Dad, which always turns out funny.  

coffee cake for breakfast. . . 

. . . and chocolate mocha cake with espresso buttercream frosting for dessert!

Conor's birthday was a rainy day so the birthday boy and this adorable umbrella crew walked to the Basti store for snacks and special treat drinks to enjoy while watching an afternoon movie! 

our oven stopped working and Conor has been researching reasons and replacing parts and talking to experts and he finally figured out the issue and we are able to have pizzas again! And he can now put "oven repair guy" on his ever growing list of skills that Panama has forced him to learn. haha! 

tacos with friends

Tohi's first jiu jitsu class

I don't have a picture of the huge undertaking it was to get our new water tanks under our house because it happened while Frances and I were in Panama City.  I do, however, have a picture of the make-shift rope ladder I used to climb in and out of the tanks to clean them.  Conor, allegedly, cannot fit inside these tanks either.  Those handsome broad shoulders just get in the way. haha.  I was a little concerned that I might have trouble getting in and out of these larger tanks but the rope ladder totally worked and the inside of our tanks are sparkling clean! 

a cloud made for my Elwood

Tohi happily modeling her new dress that I sewed from an old shirt of mine!

Woody's detailed Koi painting

Tohi's mermaid art

Woody making my new, favorite salad:  Green Papaya Salad

sewing with my girl

two gal pals enjoying a beverage together

sewing baby some new outfits

Woody's favorite color has been red since he was a little guy.  So naturally we have had quite a few red sun shirts to hand down over the years.  

I spy two poison dart frogs and a gecko. 

1 comment:

  1. WOW, great pictures and what a good life! And because I was there I know how beautiful and awesome in person! I wasn't even worried when I saw machetes--I know how super capable those two jungle kids are--You know the pictures of Tohi sewing thrilled me!! Elwood's E cloud---the time to look up and notice how special before it floated into something else--wonderful! Your birthday coffee cake and b-day mocha cake looked yummy and impressive--Conor had to feel special! All the swimming, jui jitsu, painting, artwork, cooking, nature, and smiles--this is no ho hum childhood---all the special things island life offers, all the senses that are awakened--what real life experiences all at their backdoor. Oh, I miss Bastimentos life and those kids!!! The pictures make it easier! Thank you Megs!!!
