My little Francie Boo. You are 3! You are a wild, hilarious, sensitive, bossy, happy little friend to have in our house. Our life would be so boring without you!
What we call you: You have so many nicknames. You are called Frances, Francie, Frankie, Frank, Frances Bojangles, Bojangles, Fern, Fernie, Fernie Bernie, and still, on occasion, Frank the Tank.
What you like to eat: Your favorite foods are peanut butter and honey sandwiches, pasta, hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, granola, yogurt, pasta. You don't like most berries but you love an apple. You don't seem to like juice but you love a smoothie. You love chips, especially the "window chips" (which are the cape cod waffle cut; which I totally agree, they are the best) You love chicken and dumplings (but mostly the dumpling part.) I will be cooking something totally different for dinner and you'll ask "Can we have dumplings too?" You do pretty good with vegetables. You like broccoli, sweet peppers, carrots, and baked kale.
What you are like: You are truly hilarious. We joke that there is so much personality in such a tiny person. You are smart and our best talker. And not even, "our best talker for this age." You are our best communicator of all the kids. You can express your thoughts and feelings and jokes in a way that seems older than your 3 years of life. You are confident and funny and can completely hold your own with your two older siblings. No one is pushing you around. It's something Dad and I joke about too, Isn't the third suppose to be a more get-a-long personality??? But we wouldn't have it any other way. I love to here you tell Woody, "Stop! I don't want to play this game anymore." and if he doesn't stop, you respond in a confident and commanding tone, "I SAID, I don't want to play this game ANYMORE, WOODY!" There is no crying for mom or tattling, you handle the situation yourself and I love your inner confidence and energy of "I've got this under control, I can handle this just fine." Occasionally the disagreements between you and Tohi get physical and you girls can be rough to each other but overall the three kids are a nice balance and you all get along and make it work. We spend a lot of time together so you all have found a balance in your roles and who needs to give when and what each person's strengths and limitations are. Of course, there are days where I just tell you all to play separately because everyone is bickering but most days it's really nice together play. . . most of the time. haha!
You are fun and funny and upbeat. You love to dance and sing. You love to wear tutus and your ballerina outfit. You love Queen Elsa and you wear your Halloween Queen Elsa dress frequently and walk around the house singing Let It Go and freezing people with your wand. You like music and when we dance your little body and your facial expressions are too cute. You bob your head and move you shoulders to the beat in the car and its a full on body wiggle when we are dancing at the house. You love the Elsa song, Three Little Birds by Bob Marley, and a few Billie Eilish songs. You love to make up your own songs and you sing them loud and proud.
You love a fire and you love to swim. You are your own yin to your yang and your love of fire and water is paralleled in your emotional control. You will scream and feel the inner rage and then burst into tears and then those tears roll down your sweet chubby cheeks. When I tell you that it is not ok to scream like that your whole demeanor softens and you say " I just wanna give you a huuug." We do this multiple times a day, every day. Your watery tears puts out your own internal fire and you just want to be loved again. It's a pretty lovely technique you've created; that I can solve almost any problem with offering you a hug. It's heart melting. Even when I am so frustrated with you, when I look at your sweet, tear stained face and your chubby little arms reaching out for a hug it melts me every time.
Our days of fires in a fire place are over for this season but you loooved them. You would watch us make them and then sit real close to the fire and watch the flames dance and feel the warmth. Everyone in our family loves a fire but there was an extra excitement in you when you would see us start to make one in the fireplace. It just made you so happy! You really love the water. We have this small man-made fish pond in the back of our rental and you love to "swim" around in it. You go in and out of it most of the day. You water all our plants, you bring your barbies in to play, you give mermaid dance shows, and sometimes you just float around on the boogie board relaxing while letting your sweet little legs slowly kick around underneath you. When we go to the beach you love to swim in the ocean. You can't swim confidently by yourself yet but you're ready to learn! We just need some calmer waves so we can practice and then I'm sure you'll be swimming along with Woody and Tohi in no time. You love to play around in the crashing waves and sometimes you get rolled pretty good and you pop up, covered in sand and a little out of breath and announce, "I'm ok! I'm a tough girl!" haha
You love to ride your bike and your skateboard. You have this determined face you put on when you are going so fast. You are still riding on your knees on your skateboard and you remind us of Woody when he was your age. You are fast on your knees and you can keep up on family skateboard rides around the neighborhood.
You are very much a big girl. You do things "all by yourself" all the time. You love to help and you follow the lead of your older sister and brother. You say older than your age hilarious things but you are still a sweet little almost baby. You are cuddly and your sweet, chubby little body can curl up next to me and fit like only a baby/toddler still can. You don't nap every day but on the days that you do, we cuddle in your bed til you fall asleep. Your sweet little body snuggles in close, your chubby little arm wraps around my neck and I feel your sweet baby breath getting more relaxed and rhythmic as you drift off to sleep. I hold you a little longer than I need to. I know you are asleep but I know these baby moments will be gone all too soon and I just want to hold onto the innocence and sweetness for just a few more breaths.
Francie, you are just a hilarious, smart, funny, happy, loving little friend. You bring a light and balance to our family that we can feel everyday. We all love you so much! Happy 3rd Birthday!
What is your favorite food? Rice and beans and chips and cheese
Do you go to school? no
What is your favorite activity to do with Mom? skateboard outside
With Woody? skateboard
You love a fire and you love to swim. You are your own yin to your yang and your love of fire and water is paralleled in your emotional control. You will scream and feel the inner rage and then burst into tears and then those tears roll down your sweet chubby cheeks. When I tell you that it is not ok to scream like that your whole demeanor softens and you say " I just wanna give you a huuug." We do this multiple times a day, every day. Your watery tears puts out your own internal fire and you just want to be loved again. It's a pretty lovely technique you've created; that I can solve almost any problem with offering you a hug. It's heart melting. Even when I am so frustrated with you, when I look at your sweet, tear stained face and your chubby little arms reaching out for a hug it melts me every time.
Our days of fires in a fire place are over for this season but you loooved them. You would watch us make them and then sit real close to the fire and watch the flames dance and feel the warmth. Everyone in our family loves a fire but there was an extra excitement in you when you would see us start to make one in the fireplace. It just made you so happy! You really love the water. We have this small man-made fish pond in the back of our rental and you love to "swim" around in it. You go in and out of it most of the day. You water all our plants, you bring your barbies in to play, you give mermaid dance shows, and sometimes you just float around on the boogie board relaxing while letting your sweet little legs slowly kick around underneath you. When we go to the beach you love to swim in the ocean. You can't swim confidently by yourself yet but you're ready to learn! We just need some calmer waves so we can practice and then I'm sure you'll be swimming along with Woody and Tohi in no time. You love to play around in the crashing waves and sometimes you get rolled pretty good and you pop up, covered in sand and a little out of breath and announce, "I'm ok! I'm a tough girl!" haha
You love to ride your bike and your skateboard. You have this determined face you put on when you are going so fast. You are still riding on your knees on your skateboard and you remind us of Woody when he was your age. You are fast on your knees and you can keep up on family skateboard rides around the neighborhood.
You are very much a big girl. You do things "all by yourself" all the time. You love to help and you follow the lead of your older sister and brother. You say older than your age hilarious things but you are still a sweet little almost baby. You are cuddly and your sweet, chubby little body can curl up next to me and fit like only a baby/toddler still can. You don't nap every day but on the days that you do, we cuddle in your bed til you fall asleep. Your sweet little body snuggles in close, your chubby little arm wraps around my neck and I feel your sweet baby breath getting more relaxed and rhythmic as you drift off to sleep. I hold you a little longer than I need to. I know you are asleep but I know these baby moments will be gone all too soon and I just want to hold onto the innocence and sweetness for just a few more breaths.
Francie, you are just a hilarious, smart, funny, happy, loving little friend. You bring a light and balance to our family that we can feel everyday. We all love you so much! Happy 3rd Birthday!
What is your name? Frances
How old are you? 3
What is your favorite color? Light pink
What is your favorite food? Rice and beans and chips and cheese
Do you go to school? no
Do you think you will one day? yes
Do you have a favorite book? Humpty Dumpty
What do you want to be when you grow up? Do Laundry!
Where do you think you will live? Ummmm, house? In Panama?
Do you think you will get married? Yeah!
Have kids? 3 kids, like us.
Do you think you will get married? Yeah!
Have kids? 3 kids, like us.
What is your favorite activity to do inside? do dishes
What is your favorite activity to do outside? skateboard?
What is your favorite activity to do with Mom? skateboard outside
With Dad? make kombucha with him
With Woody? skateboard
With Tohi? climb on the trees with me
Who is your best friend? Mommy!
If you had one super power what would it be? Pink!
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