Tuesday, April 17, 2018

birthday interview with the wood man

Elwood and his Birthday Tree



Birthday Interview
What is your name?  Elwood

How old are you?  6

What is your favorite color? Red

What is your favorite food? Roasted Kale and chicken.  And macaroni and cheese. 

Where do you go to school?  I do home schooled and I do it at the bar. 

Who is your teacher?  Mom. 

Do you like school? Yes. 

What are you learning about? Writing, reading, spanish, and math

What is your favorite thing to learn about? Spanish

Do you have a favorite book? Yes, the Star Wars book

What do you want to be when you grow up? A train driver  (*parent note.  This came outta nowhere.  haha  You don't really talk about trains or show an interest in trains.  This is really the first I've heard of this. haha.  I was expecting paleontologist or maybe "fire builder" or something haha)

Where do you think you will live? I will probably live in the train.  Probably, yeah,  I would live on a train  . . .

 I ask, Ok, well if you had a home outside of the train, where do you think that would be? I would live in a dark wood house in the snow.  And probably when it was 8:30 winter time I would go out on the train and take people places. 

What is your favorite activity to do inside? Chase

What is your favorite activity to do outside? Roast hot dogs,  Make a fire, and drink special treat drinks 

What is your favorite activity to do with Mom? Play camping

With Dad? Machete

With Tohi? Swinging on the swing

With Frances? Snuggle, so she keeps warm, play around, all that stuff. 

Who is your best friend? Manu

If you had one super power what would it be? Be Invisible.
*On the video I do ask about swimming and surfing because these are two big things in your life that aren't really mentioned at all in your interview.  Trains are mentioned a few times which came as a surprise.  But, you at 6 years old want to swim all the time and you are very excited about surfing with Dad so I just thought we would mention them because they are a very big part of who you are right now.

What you are like at 6 years old.  

You are just amazing, little buddy.  You are a funny, happy, energetic, positive, enthusiastic, and a fun little person to be around.  Your love of the outdoors increases every year.  You are just your happiest self while out in nature.  You love love love to swim.  If we let you, you would swim from sun up to sunset.  You love to dive under and explore, bringing treasures up from the sea to show the family.  When the swell is big, you like to "battle the waves."  You stand right where the waves are breaking and ninja kick and hulk smash your fists through the waves.  Then, when Dad is available to take you out deep, you swim out by yourself and dive under the waves confidently.  You pop up and strongly swim out to where the swell is not breaking on you.  Dad says that you guys use to hold hands when you would go under the real big waves, but lately you don't want to.  Dad says he watches you confidently and safely read the ocean correctly, diving under at the best time and coming up calmly.  You watch to see if another one is coming and ready yourself for another deep dive.  You have a connection with the ocean as well as a respect for her power and it's a beautiful thing to watch.  

You have been surfing a lot more with Dad lately.  Some days, the two of you sneak off in the early morning light and hike to Wizards.  Other days, it's a family surf at BiBi's.  You have been paddling more and can almost paddle yourself into a smaller wave.  You are proud of yourself for improving and when you get home you don't want to brag about yourself but you tell Dad, with your face beaming with pride, "Ok, ok, tell Mom how I did!!"  I go so crazy over you as Dad tells me how great you did.  We are mostly proud of you for keeping a positive, happy attitude.  Learning to surf is hard and the progress is slow so we are happy you like it and want to keep trying! 

You like to work in the yard with Dad, using your machetes side by side.  You LOVE a fire.  Your best day is swimming til your cold, coming into the front yard and building a fire to warm up and then going back to swimming.  (which is what we did for your birthday weekend)  You love cooking food on the fire and you are very curious about eating things from nature.  You love to have a snack from the garden, chomping on anything we have told you is edible from lime leaves to culantro.  Most times you find a coconut you ask Dad to chop it open so you can drink the coconut water.  I don't think you actually like the taste that much, but you love the experience of it.  You are your best, happiest, most content, most full of joy and love self while you are outside enjoying the beauty of Mother Nature.  Sometimes, you take a break from whatever we are playing and you wander over to a tree or rock and just gaze out over the ocean.  I never interrupt you, but it fills me with peace and happiness to watch you day dream while in your element.  

You have been doing awesome at home school lately.  2018 has brought us a wonderful and productive rhythm.  It took us some time to figure out how to switch between mom and kid playmates to teacher and student.  But we've got it! And you are flourishing and I could not be more proud of you!  You are reading beginning reader books and really enjoying them.  You proudly count all the pages you've read.  It has been amazing to watch everything start to click as you are able to read faster and faster.  Math is clicking as well.  We are moving on from basic addition and subtraction to double digits and you are doing fabulous!  I know I am your Mom and I think everything about you is beyond fabulous, but truly we are on such a nourishing and positive track with school these past few months.  I'm sure it will become challenging again at times but I think, at least for now, this is truly the best, most healthy environment for your sweet little brain to develop.  

You are still very into dinosaurs, the fierce carnivores still your favorite.  You are getting more into Lego's and can follow the instructions and build something awesome almost completely by yourself.  You are, rightfully so, very proud of yourself when you complete a project.  You love to wrestle.  You and Tohi wrestle and it sometimes ends with Tohi crying but most of the time you are gentle and encouraging enough to her to keep the game continuing.  You and Dad are tough wrestlers together and sometimes the game is you attack and Dad protects the two sister princesses. You love to sword fight and ninja train and climb things.  You are an active, high energy little guy.  Thankfully, we live in an environment where most days you are able to expend all your energy and you fall asleep, hard, around 7:30 each night.  Although you are a physical and active little boy, you are still our love muffin.  You love to cuddle and snuggle and if we said it was ok, you would be snuggled in between Dad and me every night.  You are this adorable mix of rough and tumble with sweet and sensitive. 

 You have shown a big change in maturity this past year.  You show an impressive control over emotions and you are able to work through frustration and anger and disappointment with an impressive amount of control.  When you are close to losing it on Tohi or you are repeatedly not listening and are about to be in trouble, I ask you to remove yourself to meditate.  You go outside, to the porch or sit cross legged on the couch, close your eyes, and breathe.  You know that true ninja masters meditate so you are very open to the practice of calming yourself this way.  I love and encourage this anyway I can.  "Go get your ninja calmness back by meditating outside! Now!"  I, at times, forcefully say.  You release Tohi from a too tight jui jitsu hold and stomp outside.  I watch you sit among the jungle with your eyes closed, calmly breathing in and out.  I am taken aback at your maturity and I realize that you are teaching me that the child is not the only one that needs to be meditating.  I take a few deep breaths myself and give you the biggest hug when you come back in and I tell you that I should have asked in a nicer voice.  We agree that we are all works in progress and that every day, all we can do is try our best.    

You and Tohi are buddies.  Of course, there are times where there is arguing and hitting and screaming.  But most of the times, you play great together.  She mostly wants to participate in whatever game you have come up with but at times she is adamant that she wants to play babies and you take a doll and play along.  Your doll usually stays with Tohi and you go out and hunt or ninja train but as long as Tohi can keep the babies safe she is happy to play along.  You are crazy for Frances.  You love to hold her and sing to her.  You make silly faces and play peekaboo til she is giggling like crazy.  You are sweet and loving to your sisters and they are both very fortunate they have you as their older brother.  

Dad and I have said on numerous occasion that we feel very fortunate that you are our first born.  The first kid sets the tone for the house and how the other kids will follow.  You are a kind, fun, loving leader of the kids.  You are empathetic and a happy little helper.  Your peacefulness mixed with your silly, high energy happiness is such a perfect personality for the younger girls to see and emulate.  You bring such joy and LOVE to our home and our lives.  Elwood Wakon, you are a beautiful, bright, peaceful energy and we could not love you more!   

Because your voice is so sweet and young and your mannerisms are beyond adorable, I also have your birthday interview in video. 

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