Monday, April 23, 2018

Swimming, Yoga, and a Black Eye

Dad and the 5am Bottle Sisters

flowers blooming by the back door

Just perfect swimming weather. 
This last calm spell we had lasted almost 10 days and Tohi had a huge break through in her swimming! She can put her face under and look around, grabbing a rock off the bottom and bringing it up, and exclaiming with immense pride, "I got something just like Woody!" She wants to swim back in forth between Conor and me until she is exhausted.  We are all very excited for another little swimmer! 

This beach babe thinks she can swimShe gets herself to that ocean with a quickness, ready to dive in! haha


Sleeping Bruiser

She was goofing around on the couch and hit her eye on the wood frame.  Poor little peanut had a black eye for over a week!

Friday Afternoon Ritual. 
The big kids get special treat drinks
in town with Dad.  

After their showers, these two cuties go upstairs together and get their pajamas on.  We hear them up there talking and giggling and goofing around each night.  We hear Elwood help Tohi if she's having trouble getting her shirt on and we hear them sneak a few jumps on the bed.  It's super cute.  A few nights ago they came down the stairs together giddy with excitement.  Woody exclaims, "I didn't know I had yoga pants!!! Look how great Tohi and I look in our yoga pants!"

So, Woody is wearing 3T pajamas pants that are Tohi's and Tohi is wearing 24 month pants that are Frankie's.  So, yes, these pants are tight on them like Mom's yoga pants are tight on her.  haha
They were inspired to do quite a bit of yoga in their special pants.  I guess the right equipment does make a difference. haha.  

I attended a gal pal paint and wine
birthday party
No kids, Paints, Wine, Snacks, and lots and lots of Laughing.  It was a lovely afternoon.

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