Friday, April 20, 2018

Swimming Weather and an Easter Egg Hunt

A large tree branch fell on the steps.  Tohi was walking up the steps/crawling over the tree branches and sweetly singing this song, "Why is there a tree on Daddy's steps? Whhhhyy is there a treeee on Daaadeeeees steps??" as she struggles up the steps.  Kids are so positive and adorable.  She's not annoyed or frustrated; but she has noticed that these steps are significantly harder to climb up because there is a "tree on Daddy's steps." (Why they are "Daddy's Steps" is because Conor just built them not because he is the only one that can use them. haha)

Conor receiving some instructions from the band leader

Woody is, obviously, the lead singer

The ocean is not always this calm in front of the house.  But when it is we swim as often as we can.   A before school swim, a school break swim, an after lunch swim and, of course, a before dinner swim (pictured above)

The only pictures I make it in are selfies.  haha

We are starting the fish tank again.  So far, we have a healthy environment of a snail and two crabs

I keep taking pictures of how beautiful I think our new view is.  It looks like such a subtle change in the pictures but it looks and feels very different from our porch.

Hi there little swimmers way out there!

The big kids and I went to a friends house for an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Afternoon

The little Fern and Dad stayed home.  They had a lovely afternoon of re-hiding one Easter egg, brushing each others hair, bubble baths, and naps.  

Tohi insisted on being in Woody's picture of him and his "birthday tree."  haha.  We took a few without her as well.  

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