Saturday, May 25, 2019

fermenting days among other things

Conor has been leading the family to fermentation fun town! That might sound weird but it has been so fun! The kids make sodas using wild yeasts and Conor makes "adult" sodas for us using all sorts of ingredients from our garden! Just some of the flavors are culantro lime, lemongrass cerasee (which smelled JUST like an IPA and tasted damn near as good), lemongrass ginger, ginger molasses beer, mandarin mint, and all sorts of other concoctions!  

the fermentation helpers watching for bubbles

the start of a Jamaican Mint Beer and a Mint/Ginger Beer

homemade sodas! 
Hibiscus Ginger Mint and Ginger Flower Lime

fermentation fun town

 first reef rash

lollipops fix pretty much everything

while Woody was in town, his fav stuffed animal, "Puppy," was dressed in an adorable girl outfit and invited to a tea party

Conor does a majority of the "town trips."  He drops Woody off at his activities and does most of our grocery shopping.  Meanwhile, the girls and I start dinner before they are home.  I have two sweet helpers chopping and helping every night

Rainy days means bathtub time.
 Everyone loves candle lit bath time

Conor built us a small seed house!

Swing Sisters!

Sweet Potato Harvest!
It was SO exciting! We just kept carefully digging in the dirt and excitedly exclaiming, "there's another one!"

It was a very exciting but small harvest.  The first planting was a test run to see if they would even grow for us.  We will be repeating this one!

kabobs and then marshmallows. 

Lately, one of the big kids favorite things is swimming in the rain.  As soon as it starts they both run down to swim before it stops.  Those two adorable heads at the bottom, right of the picture are my fun big kids. 

while the big kids were jumping around in the rain and waves, Frances took a nice, peaceful bubble bath. 


the up in the hill family giving Tohi some super awesome birthday gifts. 

the doctor kit is getting lots of use

rainy days at Manu's house

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